Counseling for parents of young adult

Hello parents, I am looking for some recommendations for a counsellor/therapist for myself and my husband with how to deal with our young adult daughter and how much to support financially vs allow to "sink or swim".  We are both professionals.  Our daughter has ADD and Anxiety which makes this really challenging. 

This has caused a great deal of angst in the relationship we have with each other and with her.  I really need someone to help talk me/us through what is best for her and for our sanity.  

If you have worked with someone and can recommend them, would appreciate a name and contact.  Thanks! 

Parent Replies

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I can relate. My young adult son has ADD and anxiety (and uses substances). You're in a difficult situation.

I'm not able to recommend a specific therapist. Those I worked with were not helpful in the long run. However, I will suggest that you consider looking into NAMI parent educational and support groups. You may encounter people in much more challenging situations, but that may lend perspective and help you find what works for your family. I have participated in several trainings and workshops and continue in a virtual group through the San Francisco chapter. So, if you don't find help with your local chapter, consider searching out chapters with online support options.

I wish you and your family well, and hope you find support that works for you.


We have been going though similar issues with our son.  We have been working with Monica Horowitz and she's based out in Walnut Creek but we sometimes do meetings over Zoom.

She has been focusing on "us", as a couple rather than focusing on our child while giving us some advice regarding our son.  But mostly she focuses on our relationship with each other which has been good.  Best of luck to you.

I have used Susan Carroll as a "parent coach" for similar issues, and think she is extremely smart and skilled. Her email address is carroll.susan.p [at] She provides services through Team Wonder (, but also may be available directly (for a lower rate).