Corey Wade: Berkeley Coding Academy: Learn Python, Data Science, & AI - Ages 12-18

Summer & Holiday Camps Now Enrolling

Become a Data Scientist this summer at Berkeley Coding Academy by enrolling in one of the following programs:

Data Science to AI: Ages 12-14, 15-18, June 17 -28, July 8-12 (Introductory 3-week program)

AI Applications: Ages 12-14, 15-18, July 15 - Aug 2 2024 (Advanced 3-week program)

1-1 Classes: All Ages, Dates Flexible

We are also offering special bundled packages featured here.

At Berkeley Coding Academy, students who have never coded before become proficient in Python, and students who are already proficient in Python get much better. We split students into separate cohorts based on age and programming experience. All students apply Python to analyze big data via descriptive statistics and create beautiful, professional graphs that tell a data story. Next, our students make predictions from big data by building, scoring, evaluating, comparing, and tuning machine learning models. BCA students become proficient in important Python libraries that are highly valued by academia and industry including pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, and sklearn. Advanced students also receive a full introduction to Deep Learning via keras.

All classes are live and online on Zoom. Students attend interactive lectures in a larger group before applying what they have learned in smaller cohorts. All students build Data Science projects in Python in Colab notebooks. We provide additional Colab Notebooks for reference along with problem sets, supplementary 4K videos, daily PDFs, and project guidelines. All students complete and present major portfolio projects that are instructor and peer-reviewed with detailed feedback with slides included. We provide 1-1 support for all students as needed. Student to staff ratio is better than 5-1.

All students receive permanent links to their projects that are authenticated in the blockchain in real time. Berkeley Coding Academy has partnered with Copperwire to offer these blockchained certificates to all students who complete our programs. They are hyperlinked on the internet bridging Web2 and Web3. When colleges, or employers click on these links in the future, the certificates will be time-stamped on the new date. Sample certificate here.

For more details on our summer programs, please visit us at, or email Corey Wade at the address below.

Corey Wade
corey [at]