Opinions about Berkeley Bar Method childcare?

Hello - I'm interested in using the childcare at the Bar Method in Berkeley and am wondering if anyone has opinions about it. The childcare room looks nice but I'm wondering about the providers themselves since it's been hard to get information on them. Any insights would help!

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In full disclosure, I am the owner of The Bar Method Berkeley. I'm so glad to hear about your interest in our studio! Clearly this is biased because I think our staff are wonderful. Please feel free to email berkeley [at] barmethod.com, and I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have about our Kids Room staff, including names and ages of each staffer, background in caring for children, etc. We do not do work-trade. Rather, everyone is an employee whom I vet before hiring. I bring both of my little kids on occasion and trust our staff wholeheartedly. We have many happy clients who couldn't be more thrilled to be able to carve out an hour for themselves, and they've been very happy with their overall experience. Please reach out to us for more info anytime!