Pee Accidents in 6 to 10 Year Olds

Parent Q&A

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  • Wetting Pants - Age 9

    Sep 26, 2016

    My son is 9 years old and he has wet his pants during the day on and off for years. Sometimes it doesn’t happen for weeks and then it happens 2-3 times/week. I can’t connect it with anything in his diet or environment. 

    A few years ago, we met a few times with Angelique Champeau at Children’s, but her go-to theory (for many kids like this) is that he is constipated. It’s difficult to believe that this is still the issue 3 years later. I have a sense it’s a sensory issue but doing OT hasn’t addressed it. He gets plenty of fiber and has Miralax several times a week to keep things going, but I would like to get at the root of what is happening.

    I am looking for other parents who have gone through this and to learn what has worked for them. Thank you!


    My son went through bed wetting like yours, although he was 7 at the time. We went to see many therapists but the thing worked for us is the method by Enuresis Center. They provided a sensor for him to wear at night, on his underwear. He wore an alarm on his wrist. There was also a water drinking requirement so that he would feel the fullness of his bladder. When the alarm sounded, I have to wake him and get him to go as quickly as I can. They also provided weekly log and checking, plus the reward system for him. It took several months and he finally was cured. He is 25 now and no problem ever since.


    Can you talk to his teacher and make an arrangement for him to go to the bathroom and try to urinate hourly? My 8 yo son wets the bed weekly, although doesn't wet his pants during the day. I agree with your sense that this is probably not a medical issue per se (but I am not a doctor). Or does it only happen at home? - which would be another clue that it is not related to medical problems. I would also have him help you do the laundry with his wet clothes; not in a punitive way but to take responsibility for the accident. Ask him if he would prefer to wear pullups during the day - I mean, maybe he *would*, and it wouldn't hurt anything to take the pressure off for a while. Good luck, sounds like a very frustrating situation for all concerned.

Archived Q&A and Reviews

6yr old still peeing in his pants

August 2005

My 6 year old son is still wearing a pull up at night and has pee accidents about twice a day. When I'm around I take him to the bathroom and 15 minutes later he has an accident. Does anyone have advice or is this something I should seek professional guidance about...Thanks

From a professional perspective, your concern warrants intervention. There are a myriad of possible causes for your son's situation. Most therapists will consider many factors before determining the best way to resolve it. Whether or not you choose to stay in dialogue with me on this issue, I would ask you to document (for yourself) your son's history around it. Ask yourself these questions:
What does your son's pediatrician have to say about the situation?
When did you first notice your son wasn't progressing on this behavior?
Did he ever have a time of particular regression on this issue?
When and how have you tried to direct his bathroom behavior?
Were there any particularly challenging moments or incidents?
Does your son have siblings? (If so, what are their histories and how might they have made any contributions [positive or negative] to the situation?)

The answer to these and other questions will serve to guide the course of intervention a professional will recommend. I hope you find this helpful.