Kids' Football Leagues

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Football league for middle schooler

Jan 2007

My middle school son is very interested in playing football next year. I have heard of kid's leagues in the east bay, but haven't found any contact information. Anybody out there familiar with such a league? Any experiences to share? Go Bears!

I don't know how far you're interested in driving, but the only youth football programs I'm familiar with are out in Walnut Creek (, and Pleasanton (, as well as couple Pop Warner groups on the Peninsula. There used to be an East Bay Warriors Pop Warner team, but I think it may be defunct...? Hopefully someone else will have a lead on something closer. sPortability

Second grader is interested in football


My second grade son has expressed an interest in playing football. I haven't heard anything about kids programs for football, and am interested in knowing about programs and about the relative safety of such programs. Thanks.

Some people involved in Albany Little League started an indoor youth noncontact football program last year. The location is in Oakland, but they offer a shuttle from Oceanview School in Albany. It runs only during the winter months. Contact Mike Adney at madney at Maria