Allergies & Asthma in the Bay Area

Archived Q&A and Reviews


Just moved to the Bay Area from England; my asthma has worsened considerably

April 2003

hello we`ve just moved to the bay area (albany) and i have noticed that my asthma has worsened considerably. my son too has had to increase his steriod pump use.

Q1: i really don`t feel good about giving him so many sterods i have heard they stunt growth .at the same time, i have no choice. Has anyone been in a similar situation and found any alternatives,or maybe it is safe and you have some data that could reassure me??

Q2 I did not realize there was so much pollution in california i was hoping the warmer weather would be better for us(we`re from damp England.where we were both coming down with a lot of colds and flu,)are there any particular areas in the Bay Area that get less pollution and are maybe less hazardous for asthmatics??

worried mother anita

I suffered from much-worsened asthma after moving here as well. I got very, very ill and would probably have died had it not been for the steroids I was taking. However, I also have to say that the steroids' side effects seriously and, it seems, permanently, damaged my health. My advice is to figure out what the trigger is for you or your child's asthma. Chances are it's mold. We have lots of it here. That's what did it for me. I didn't get better until I simply packed up and left the Bay Area, moved to the NV desert to get my health back and to wean myself off steroids, and then did some research and saved up some money to move into some relatively mold-free housing. I am now completely off all asthma meds, but it hasn't been easy. I have to avoid all other allergens, even those that in the past were only slightly irritating to me, like pets or dust mites found on bedding. I have to be very careful to avoid foods contaminated with mold, such as bananas, avocadoes, and peanuts. I am also seeing an acupuncturist regularly, and this helps keep the asthma at bay. I think that steroids are great when they're absolutely necessary, but that every effort needs to be made to prevent the likelyhood that they'll continue to be necessary. sararc

There are alternatives to medications that may help decrease your need for steroids. I used to be asthmatic badly in Walnut Creek as a child, but it got better living in Berkeley & El Cerrito Hills probably due to being out of the valley. Now I'm back in the valley, but my allergy is the best it's ever been. I think it's because of the low load of allergenic toxins I'm exposing to my body as compared to years ago. For example, I am eating mostly organically grown foods now, seldom eat preservatives, artificial colors,flavors,sweetners or other additives. I use no commercial cleaning products except ones with vegetable-based soap, vinegar, and baking soda. I use no pesticides (no Roundup either) in my home or garden (use safer alternatives). I also have avoided toiletries with synthetic chemicals like phthalates,Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, an irritant and others. Since I have a chemistry background, it's been somewhat possible for me to decipher some of the ingredients in products. I feel like I'm turning Amish! In fact, does anyone know of a good website that discusses the products they use or buy? I am virtually asthma free and have been since I started doing this from the birth of my child. For more info about safer alternatives particularly for children: I like the book: Allergy Free by Konrad Kail, N.D. which means docotor of natural medicine. Susan

My asthma got worse when I moved to the Bay Area

Nov 1998

I have always had seasonal allergies but they have gotten much worse since I moved to the Bay Area. Is there some plant or tree that is particularly bad for people with allergies here?

My asthma condition is triggered by allergies.

Yours could be to common household pollutants such as dust mites, mold, mildew, dust or pollen. If you live along a bus or truck route it could be diesel exhaust. Second hand smoke (of any sort) can be one of the worst.

You mention that this started when you moved here, but where is here? Allergy regions around the bay are quite different one from another. Perhaps you're even allergic to something in the sea breeze. Is it worse at home or at work? Are you getting allergy desensitization shots? Have you been seen by an allergy specialist?

Personally, my allergies (and asthma) got much better when I moved to Berkeley, so much so that I was able to stop treatment. But my allergies were all to pollen and grass, so sea breezes really helped. When I moved to Hayward, the allergies returned.

To get to the point, a whole house electrostatic air cleaner, installed on the forced air furnace, makes all the difference in my health. If you're living in an apartment, try a couple of room units, but especially in the room your sleeping in. You don't want to stay on steroids forever. Roger

I had very similar problems when I moved here. In fact, it was so bad that I started thinking that I wasn't supposed to be able to breathe normally. Dr. Tittle at the UHS has been extremely helpful, you should try and see him. I have been on azmacort, prednisone, etc. I now am on two main medications, Flovent and Serevent. I am on Ventolin only as needed (which is rarely). I also don't have carpets, keep the windows open, and follow other preventive measures. I found that I am allergic to mold, so I pay attention to the mold spore count and take extra precaution when it is anything but low. I have not had an asthma attack in months.

I have noticed that my own asthma is worse this year than in years past. I don't actually have attacks, but I wheeze and cough and I find that I'm using my albuterol a great deal, especially at night. I'm particularly affected by mold spores, and wonder if the long, wet winter last year just left more mold-friendly territory. I'm no longer convinced the azmacort is doing what I need, but don't want to take anything stronger. Does anyone have experience with acupuncture or other non-western-medicine approaches to dealing with this? Chris

Wash sheets and pillowcases with 1/4 cup eucalyptis oil in the wash. This kills dust mites which can be allergins (forgive my spelling). It helps us. Laura