Anger Management for Couples

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Marriage counselor good with anger management

April 2014

I am hoping to get a good recommendation for a marriage counselor/therapist that also is good with anger management issues. Any thoughts/recommendations are appreciated. End of my rope....

Try Albert Dytch (Oakland, or Deborah Joy (Albany, Albert runs anger management groups and Deborah works with the recipients of verbal abuse and anger. My now-ex and I saw them individually at the end of our marriage. No, it didn't save the marriage (we found them kind of late in the game after unsuccessful joint marriage counseling with another therapist), but we have a remarkably good co-parenting relationship considering how bad things were at the end of our marriage. My ex still goes to Albert's group.

Albert and Deborah sometimes work in tandem in situations of abuse, with Deborah working with the abused partner and Albert working with the abuser. With permission from the couple, they share notes with each other, which circumvents the one-sided perspective that can sometimes come with individual counseling. Been there

Yup, I know why you're at the end of your rope. Marriage problems are hard enough without anger management making it even worse. My husband and I had a similar situation. We saw a therapist I thought was really great. Her name is Cindy Blackett- has an office on Solano Avenue in Berkeley.

I was kind of worried my husband was going to just end up yelling at the therapist and we would have to quit, but Cindy was kind of amazing at somehow helping us get through our worst conversations without everything falling apart. Marriage counseling really did save us. Don't give up before you give it a try. MJ