Acting & Theater for Adults

Archived Q&A and Reviews


Acting class for adults

July 2001

After giving birth to my second daughter, I am ready to take some time for myself and find an acting course somewhere near Berkeley. Is there a good theater or workshop around here that offers acting classes to adults? Thanks for your help. Rebecca

You can find adult acting classes through Julia Morgan Center for the Arts, the soon-to-open Berkeley Repertory Theatre's Education Center, and the UC Berkeley Extension. In addition (and probably cheaper), there are acting classes offered through many local adult schools (I know Piedmont Adult School usually has an offering and I imagine Berkeley does also). You might also get a copy of Callboard, the monthly publication of Theatre Bay Area, to find other offerings that fit the bill both financially and geographically (it has both display ads for classes and a section of class listings at the back. You can find it at many local bookstores. TBA might also have info on their website but I don't know that for sure.) Finally, I teach a terrific acting class (if I do say so myself!) called Peak Performance: Theater Techniques You Can Use at Work. It is designed specifically for working professionals who want communicate more effectively, think more creatively and spontaeously, and work better in teams. It'll be offered again by UCBX in Spring 2002 at their SF campus. Good luck (or should I say, Break a leg). Janet Keller callbackcom at earthlink dot net

I second the recommendation on the parents website to check out Callboard magazine. You can also check out the website of Theatre Bay Area, the service organization for professionally-oriented theatre artists and companies that puts Callboard out: There are classes at UC Extension starting in the fall as well. Please feel free to email me at melhillman at aol dot com as I am the Artistic Director of Berkeley's Impact Theatre, and I'm more than happy to give you some more details about classes that fit your schedule and level of experience. I can also add you to our actors database to which I forward audition notices from theatres all over the Bay Area on a regular basis. Mel

I really enjoyed my acting class with Peter Tripp. His number is (510) 236-7098. When I worked with him, he taught at the Watergate Clipper Club in Emeryville. D. Banks/ R. Porter

Theater groups for adults?

April 2000

Can anyone recommend any local theater groups/acting classes for adults in the area? I've seen recommedations on the website for children but not adults, and I'm interested in getting involved in thater again, now that I have the time... I've also been asked to participate in an indie film production, and I figure that brushing up couldn't hurt. Thanks! Annie

There are many places that offer these classes in the east bay and in SF. You should get a copy of the monthly magazine called Callboard available in many bookstores around here (Moe's, Cody's, etc.). There are classes for adults at ACT, Willows Theatre in Concord, Actor's Ensemble in Berkeley, and many more. I've taught or taken classes in many of these. Amy