New mom working night shift advice//night doula recs

Our almost 4 month old is deep in his sleep regression already (not sleeping more than 1-3hrs at a time at night, awake for the day at 6am, barely napping etc) and I’m starting to go a little nuts. I’ve been falling into co-sleeping/nipple-as-pacifier just to make it through the night, and honestly would feel fine about this, except that when I go back to work next month I’m going to be gone for 14 hour stretches, working a mix of day and night shifts. This means husband and son are going to have to figure out bedtime and nighttime without me, and I think we’re gonna need a little help. 

So questions for you all- 

  1. Any breastfeeding parents with night shift experience able to offer any advice? The coworkers I’ve talked to have basically just said “it’s awful”, and I’m ever hopeful someone somewhere might have a different answer..
  2. Any recommendations for night doulas who might be able to be here for the first few nights I go to work to help them figure out a sleep plan and generally be a hand holder through the process? 

    Thoughts and recs appreciated!

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