Aclc - Alameda

Does anyone know anything about ACLC in Alameda?


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Aclc - Alameda (Mar 2, 2023)

It is a good school if your child is a very self-directed student and is enthusiastic about all the supplemental activities required by ACLC--volunteering 20 hours per year, the mandatory internship, etc. (in contrast, AUSD schools require 20 hours over the entire 4-year span of high school). We found it was a bit too clique-ish for our son, who is more on the introverted side, and he ended up transferring out as a junior; maybe if he had started there in middle school, he would have 'found his tribe' but it was very difficult to form friendships there coming in as a freshman. The annual science fair was definitely a highlight, and on balance, the teachers and administrators there are competent, responsive, and caring.