4yo pulling hair out

My daughter has always pulled her hair out.   She runs it across her lips and at times consumes it.   Everyone said she would outgrow it but I'm beginning to believe we need to seek help for her. Does anyone know of local play/cognitive behavioral therapists for little ones, specifically dealing with this condition?

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4yo pulling hair out (Sep 23, 2017)

Please check out bfrb.org. It's a wonderful, supportive resource for people & families dealing with body focused repetitive disorders (BFRBs). Trichotillomania (hair pulling) and trichophagia (hair eating) are types of BFRBs, as are skin picking, nail biting, and other disorders. Among the wealth of information on this site, there are recommendations for therapists.

Your child's pediatrician should especially be made aware (if not already) of the trichophagia, as that can have serious health implications.

Best wishes to you & your daughter.

4yo pulling hair out (Sep 23, 2017)

My daughter did the same thing at the same age. We finally cut her hair really short and with not much to pull, she stopped. Problem solved and her hair is way too long now. Good luck with whatever you try.

4yo pulling hair out (Sep 23, 2017)

This is called trichotillomania. I pull too.

I don't know about resources for such a young person, but you can start here:


especially http://www.bfrb.org/learn-about-bfrbs/tools-a-info-for/for-parents

4yo pulling hair out (Sep 23, 2017)

check out the SF Bay area Center for cognitive therapy in Oakland-- this condition is called trichotillomania and is on their list of treated disorders. 

And they do see kids. 


good luck!

4yo pulling hair out (Sep 23, 2017)

Check out http://www.bfrb.org/find-help-support.  Lots of books as well as online resources available here.

There is also a wonderful therapist in Santa Rosa named Litsa Tanner and I'm sure you could do a phone consultation with her: http://srcbt.org/litsa-tanner-mft/