See & touch a Kurapia lawn near Berkeley?

Hello— my family is looking for a low-water alternative to grass for a portion of our lawn and have read good things about Kurapia. We'd like this area to work as a play area for our daughter and can't get a good sense of what the plant actually looks and feels like from pictures online. Would anyone that has installed this lawn alternative near Berkeley be willing to let us come over to see & touch it for a few minutes to help make a decision? We'd also love to hear about your experience with installation, irrigation, and maintenance in this climate. Thanks!

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I had never heard of kurapia but you piqued my interest. It looks like this place sells sod. It may be possible to swing by there and see it in person…

So after reading this question, I got really interested, since I had never heard of Kurapia before. Went down the rabbit hole and am now also considering it. I reached out here to see if there was a way I could examine the sod: and they indicated that there is a public works installation of Kurapia at the fountain circle in Berkeley. I will go check it out in the coming days and report back if it is indeed Kurapia--because I always thought it was grass.

Following up, the fountain circle looks like its grass. If kurapia was there, I don't think it is anymore.