Words in the Wild: Summer Camp openings still available!

Summer & Holiday Camps Now Enrolling
School-Aged, Preteens, Teens

Campers (rising 1st through 3rd graders) and Counselors In Training (7th - 9th grade CITs) grow their love of reading and writing through garden science, art, games, and more in the gardens of Fairyland, Lake Merritt Garden Center, and the Kaiser Rooftop garden. Our young scientists sharpen their powers of inquiry as they observe, document, and explore both language and nature.

Hesitant readers and writers thrive in this nurturing environment by using their literacy skills for meaningful activities like reading about the life cycle of worms in order to find information we need to care for our worm bin.

Campers blossom into garden scientists as they explore the natural world in three different environments: our classroom sensory garden, the St. Paul’s courtyard gardens, and the diverse Lake Merritt botanical gardens. Campers will exercise their bodies as well as their brains on the SPES playground and in Lake Merritt's wide-open fields.

Note that St. Paul’s offers early drop off and after-camp care to accommodate various pickup schedules!

2024 Dates:

Session 1: 06/17/2024 - 06/28/2024 (No Camp June 19)

Session 2: 07/01/2024 - 07/12/2024 (No Camp July 4)

Session 3: 07/15/2024 - 07/26/2024

Session 4: 07/29/2024 - 08/09/2024

Camp runs from Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, with options for before & aftercare

Find out more and register here!

For more information about the CIT program for rising 7-9th grade click here!

Priscila Lopez Urzua
priscila [at] wordsinthewild.org