Nancy Chin, Academic Coach


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Try Nancy Chin nancy [at] (510) 384-1909 or SOS 4 Students (510) 531-4767

I work at Orinda Academy and we have SOS on campus to work with students with executive functioning weaknesses--they come to our school and I've heard positive things about Beth Samuelson.  Nancy Chin has come by and left materials as well. She does 9 week-12 week programs in Oakland and Walnut Creek.

Here's the link to SOS summer programs (being held at Orinda Academy)-you can contact Beth at (beth [at] (beth[at]sos4students[dot]com))

Archived Q&A and Reviews

April 2008

Re: What Does An Educational Therapist Do?
Your teen sounds a lot like mine. He struggled with school and has terrible social skills. We also looked at Orion and Springstone (when he was younger) but decided on a mainstream school. He was getting Bs and Cs and although that may be fine for some but not for him - he tested in the very gifted range. A friend recommended Nancy Chin at Step By Step. She was able to get him organized, have him do his homework AND turn it in. Once this happened consistently, his grades shot up to As. He is now enjoying school, getting along with his teachers, and a much happier person. I highly recommend Nancy her website is . Anonymous

I highly recommend that you contact Nancy Chin at Step By Step. She works with students who are struggling in school both academically and socially. Many of her students have a learning difference/disability. They\x92re very bright yet struggle and get mediocre grades. Nancy teaches organization skills, time management and study skills. She made amazing personal connection and progress with my son in a very short time, however, her assistance has been so essential that our son wants to continue with her indefinitely! You are absolutely right to be concerned about making sure that your son will be personally motivated to carry on his higher education and be successful at it. Let Nancy help you; she really can do it. Her website is Good luck with your teenager. Sharon.

Feb 2008

Re: Educational Therapist or ''coach'' for middle schooler
Nancy Chin of Step By Step is absolutely the answer to your prayers. My third-grader has tested as gifted but also has some serious problems with organization, efficiency, time-management, effectiveness, and it goes on and on. He doesn't let me help him at all with his homework (''It's none of your business, Mommy''). And, let's just say that he has inherited his ''issues'' from his father from whom he does accept help. He had never finished a homework assignment on his own, ever, until he began with Nancy just five weeks ago. Nancy knew immediately how to motivate him; connected with him on a personal level; moved slowly; and has already achieved amazing results. By the third session (once a week for an hour), he was completing his homework assignments on his own, and they were almost perfect when his father checked them over for correctness and completeness. She also has a beautiful office above Market Hall in Rockridge; only charges $70 an hour (a total bargain for what she has achieved in such a short time) and calls my son during the middle of every week to check in with him. She is the sweetest, nicest, and MOST EFFECTIVE academic coach for the issues your 13-year-old is having. I am sure you won\x92t be anything but 100% happy with the results she can achieve with your daughter. Sharon