True North Parent Coaching: Back to School Honeymoon Over? Some Tips That Can Help

Services for Families
SF Bay Area
Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kinder, School-Aged, Preteens, Teens

Has the excitement of going back to school waned and the reality of the grind set in for you and your kids?

Are they giving you a hard time getting ready for school, doing homework or having BIG meltdowns when they get home?

It can feel so confusing how when your kids go from ready and excited for school, to resistant and reluctant!

Try these tips to help ease the struggle:

  • Affirm and allow space for your child's feelings (even if you don't understand them)
  • Offer comfort and support
  • Just listen and be curious (leave questioning for another time)
  • Meet their primary needs - Do they need more rest, sleep, snacks or movement?
  • Be intentional about connecting with your child 1-1 if even for a short time.  And make it phone free.
  • Normalize their struggles by sharing your story of similar challenges
  • Help them feel capable by pointing out other ways that they have overcome struggles
  • Try to identify what skills they may need to build to feel safer and more confident at school

I can help! Together we will develop strategies work WITH your child as a team, overcome power struggles and increase their coping skills and confidence that can be applied is all areas of their life. The end result will be more ease, peace and connection with your child. 

I offer a free 30 minute consultation call. You can schedule that HERE.

To learn more about Parent Coaching, True North and Jenny please visit my WEBSITE

-"Jenny is a fantastic parent coach. Working together, we created habits and small routine tweaks that have made parenting more enjoyable and effective.   I always looked forward to our calls, and was grateful to have a  space to celebrate successes and continue to work toward goals. She helped me find more connection to myself as a parent." 

-"I'm so glad I found help with Jenny at True North Parent Coaching. I have been commiserating with my parent friends for years and although it was great to get things off of my chest, it still didn't solve my problems. Parent Coaching helped me see things with a different perspective, held me accountable and gave me the strength to follow things through. Jenny was incredibly easy to talk to and offered great ideas and suggestions to help me connect with my teenager again.  I would highly recommend her services!" 

Jenny Michaelson
jenny [at]