Monkey Business Camp: Youth leader positions at upcoming Break Camps

Jobs & Volunteer Opportunities
School-Aged, Preteens, Teens, Young Adults

At Monkey Business Camp, the youth leader program is designed to be a low-pressure learning environment, relaxed and fun. Youth leaders participate in every aspect of the weekly program and will be with various staff, so they learn different tricks of the trade. Monkey Business is a classic day camp with field games and ball play, art and food projects, singing, board games and cards, and storytelling. Community building is an important part of our philosophy. We are a local Berkeley small business since 1998 celebrating our 25th year.  Our families and staff make our camp what it is, and we hope you can join us. The majority of our staff were former youth leaders, those who attended consistently at our camp, over multiple summers and school breaks. Youth leaders regularly report that this was a unique and valuable growth experience for them! Campers love our youth leaders and look up to them as role models, often anticipating for years moving up to the position themselves.

This experience looks good on your teenager’s extracurricular activity resume and parents sometimes inquire about hiring them for babysitting outside of camp. Upon request, we provide letters of recommendation that can be used for independent high school applications, future employment opportunities and college applications.

Our upcoming programs include: 

Thanksgiving Week Camp 2024 (3 days): Monday-Wednesday, Nov 25-27
Winter Camp 2024-2025 (8 days offered in shorter 2 day options, due to holidays on Wednesdays each week):
-1st week: December 23 & 24 and December 26-27
-2nd week: December 30 & 31 and January 2 & 3 
February Camp 2025 (4 days): Tuesday-Friday, February 18-21
Spring Camp 2025 (5 days): March 31-April 4 (We are sorry we cannot do any other weeks.  Schools created very challenging calendars this year, with many different Spring Camp weeks off, please argue with them to coordinate consistent weeks off)

Location: Berkwood Hedge School, near Downtown Berkeley

See Tilden Day Long Camps page for more ways to connect with camp-Monday, October 7 and Friday, Nov 1 (BUSD if OFF these days-sorry, we originally had posted Oct 31st, but now it is Nov 1)

Fill out the New Youth Leader Interest Survey or Return Youth Leader Interest Survey to learn more and start getting involved!

“Monkey Business is an excellent camp. My son has been attending since he was eight years old and in the last couple of years he began the CIT program. Watching him develop leadership skills in addition to experiencing enriching activities has been a wonderful combination! The staff at Monkey Business is caring and professional and they have provided fabulous mentorship for him.”

Zachary Bigelow
programs [at]