Outside School: Enrolling K-12 for the 2024 - 2025 school year!

K-12 Schools with Immediate Openings
Kinder, School-Aged, Preteens, Teens


100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park

Students experience real life in real time!

An antithesis to public and private school classrooms.

Celebrating nature, individuality, and freedom in the urban outdoors!

This alternative education model is all about relationships, with each other and with the land.

Learning is child led and teacher supported, with all of us learning through play, conversation, and direct experience. This developmental approach respects everyone for who they are and encourages growth in all realms: head (knowledge), heart (social and emotional), hands (physical), and ecological (“To acknowledge the understanding of ecology and human interdependence with the ecosystem.” (Sobel & Bailie, 2016)). Lessons are organic, weaving together my life and educator experiences, everyone’s strengths, challenges, and interests, and what our environment and needs provide for us each day.

We experience awe regularly.


Perfect for those who want to flexischool, unschool, deschool, microschool, hybrid school, homeschool, be in a pod, independent study, or privately tutored. (Most families file a simple private school affidavit or tell their school they’ll be with independent studies- the application page has more details.)

My students are here because their families are looking for an alternative, organic, or natural education!

School begins the day after Labor Day and follows West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) holidays: Veterans Day (if it’s on one of our school days), Thanksgiving Week, Winter Break, Presidents Week, and Spring Break. The school year ends the Thursday in June that corresponds with WCCUSD’s last week.

-Tuesday through Thursday

-9:00 - 3:00

-Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until August 15 of each school year.

Also enrolling for Summer Camp Session 1 and an 8 Week Peek!

For more information, please go to:


Heather Taylor
teachoutside [at] gmail.com